Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Yesterday was crazy. I have 4 classes on mondays. I only had one homework assignment due on wednesday, so I pushed it off. I decided to go out with a couple guys and play some tennis at about 9pm. We didn't get back to the dorm until about 11:30pm. It was so much fun. Apparently I play tennis like I play ping pong. The two guys that I played with are on the tennis team. They kept making fun of me and how I played, although I gave them a good run for their money. I guess I hit some pretty killer shots very frequently, and they couldn't figure out how I was so good. It was lots of fun.

Today I had Chemistry as I do every day of the week except for wednesday. I had an hour break until chapel and then after chapel I had my humanities class. I'm probably going to drop it because it will be a very time-consuming class and with 17 credits, I don't think I will have the time to dedicate to it. I'm working ahead anyways...I'm not scheduled to take it until senior year. I finished my homework after lunch and then went to Syllabus Crunch, a time dedicated to crunching all your syllabi onto one big schedule so that I can have a "big picture" kind of.

Things are going very well (since I decided that I'm going to drop humanities). I'm going to try to add a PE class probably, so that I can have 15 credits.

What to do tonight? That seems like it is the never-ending question. I'll just go with whatever comes up :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

My First College Weekend

After longboarding from midnight-1am with some guys friday night, I decided that I could use a good sleeping in. I slept in until about 11:30 saturday. I don't recall what I did exactly, but I do recall that it wasn't terribly productive. I re-organized some stuff, and still have more organizing to do (it's neverending!)

I've made my bed more times in this first week and a half of school than I my entire 4 years of high school I think...

On Sunday, I went to Grace Baptist Church which is located just off campus. I didn't like it. It felt like a history lesson which was fitting seeing as the Pastor is also a History Professor here at Cedarville. I'm going to keep church-hopping. After church, we ate lunch with a group of friends and then I studied all afternoon on and off. I played some ping pong and called home. Really just relaxed, which is what I needed.

I'm off to class soon...I had chemistry at 8, social movements at 9, chapel at 10, lunch, then I have foundations at 1, and spiritual formation at 2. Then I need to meet with my advisor to drop composition and find a class to take its place if possible.

Friday, August 26, 2011

It's friday, friday, gotta get down on...umm...nevermind.

This morning I woke up at about 7:15. My class was at 8. I showered and got ready and got my backpack together and took off. I didn't have enough time for breakfast, so I settled for grabbing a caramel mocha from Rinnova, the coffee shop. It was probably one of the few reasons I was able to make it through Chemistry. After Chemistry I went straight to Social Movements. I LOVE SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. I have the coolest prof ever and the people in the class are awesome. It's going to be a great semester. Chapel was immediately after social movements and was pretty darn good...as usual.

After chapel I went to lunch with some friends. I then had about an hour-long break until class. Foundations has been and I think will continue to be a great class. It's a small class of about 10 students. The teacher has only 2 classes. It's very personal and helpful. Basically any tip to succeed is covered in the course. The other kids are super fun. Today my prof even made us cookies and brought in milk! WOO! Spiritual formations was immediately following foundations. The class is going to be a lot of work, but it will also be very rewarding I believe. We are currently talking about the meaning that we put behind the things we love to do and how they get taken away when we're forced to do the things we love...and then we no longer find it enjoyable. It's been some good, deep conversation. The prof is also pretty chill.

After classes were over I returned to my dorm and dumped off my backpack and went to check my mail. I picked up the letter from my mom with a copy of my insurance card for the athletic dept. and dropped that off at the proper location. The posters that I ordered a while ago arrived a few days ago and I just put them up this afternoon. I'm very happy with them. The company sent me 2 of one poster, though, so I'm going to give it away I think. I'm not going to go out of my way to ship it back and whatever. I'll spread some joy to someone else. I then went to dinner with some people, made some new friends, and went to the involvement fair. The involvement fair had over 150 booths of local churches, agencies, campus ministries, all kinds of stuff was there to get involved in. I signed up for a few things, although I think I'll pick and choose one maybe, depending on my schedule--and if I make chapel band :)

My chapel band audition is sunday at 9:24pm. Tonight I'm going longboarding with the "CU Boarders" at midnight. It should be a good, relaxing ride. I've needed one. I'm not stressed, but I'm not relaxed. It's just a tense feeling that I have had because there is so much going on. Monday is a belay certification class which I plan on taking.

I'm not sure what I'm up to for the rest of the night, but I'm going to go find something!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Early Days

Since moving into my dorm friday, I have entered a new phase of life. My roommate, Seth, and I get along great.  Ryan, the guy who lives in the room next to me, is another great friend so far. I'm meeting lots of new people and although I often forget their names, I remember their faces which comes in handy...like when I walked into the cafeteria today for lunch. I recognized someone and after confessing I had forgotten their name, we still had lunch together. 


At 8:30 this morning we met with all the other new students in our majors. There are 5 guys (including myself) who are nursing majors. The group seems really cool and I'm very excited for this year. After the meeting I went to the first Chapel...or Bible Conference. It was an introductory day and the President, Dr. Brown, spoke. After the conference was a really boring freshman meeting. Lunch followed the meeting, along with a trip to the bookstore for Gorilla Glue. Using the Classifieds (campus craigslist), I've been buying my books for FAR cheaper than anywhere else. One book was free because a chunk of pages had fallen off the binding, so I superglued them back in-and for a whopping sum of $5.31, I had myself a $20 book. 

My room is rather dull so far, there is a lack of pictures, posters, decorations, etc...on the walls. Through allposters.com, I ordered 3 posters and cannot wait until they get here. Also, I'm expanding my musical horizons through my most recent purchase: a djembe! I looked up some reviews to make sure I bought a good one. Ryan plays guitar, electric guitar, bass, mandolin, ukelele, so we've decided that we can play and jam and that will help relieve stress. He also bought a very nice mic and through the use of my laptop, his mic, our instruments, audacity, and a webcam, we may make some videos. Who knows?

I'm free until dinner tonight and I'm using this time to work on the logo for "Ink'd Boards" - the longboard shop that is run by 3 students on campus...out of their dorm room! The owner said that if I can get it down, he would hire me to paint it on the rock. Making money doing legal graffiti. This is definitely a win. Extra cash will be nice.

