Monday, August 29, 2011

My First College Weekend

After longboarding from midnight-1am with some guys friday night, I decided that I could use a good sleeping in. I slept in until about 11:30 saturday. I don't recall what I did exactly, but I do recall that it wasn't terribly productive. I re-organized some stuff, and still have more organizing to do (it's neverending!)

I've made my bed more times in this first week and a half of school than I my entire 4 years of high school I think...

On Sunday, I went to Grace Baptist Church which is located just off campus. I didn't like it. It felt like a history lesson which was fitting seeing as the Pastor is also a History Professor here at Cedarville. I'm going to keep church-hopping. After church, we ate lunch with a group of friends and then I studied all afternoon on and off. I played some ping pong and called home. Really just relaxed, which is what I needed.

I'm off to class soon...I had chemistry at 8, social movements at 9, chapel at 10, lunch, then I have foundations at 1, and spiritual formation at 2. Then I need to meet with my advisor to drop composition and find a class to take its place if possible.

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